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At Everybody's Church, we believe that everyone has a unique journey with God. Whether you are just starting to explore your faith or have been a believer for years, we are here to support and encourage you on your journey.


We exist to make sure that EVERYBODY lives a good life on earth and lives forever in Heaven.


We represent ourselves, our family, our church, but most of all we represent our GOD.  We clearly understand that in representing HIM, we must try our best to emulate HIM.  We believe that if we are not doing anything, then there is no need for us to exist.




  1. Give honor to GOD

  2. Help People

  3. Feed the Hungry

  4. Give Water to the Thirsty

  5. Clothe the Naked

  6. Visit those in Prison

  7. Teach & Preach the Word with simplicity

  8. Assist people in becoming delivered


The grounds and the parking area of your church will be well manicured and free of any debris or trash. It will be well lit, and you will feel safe as you enter onto the compound. Church members will be present in the parking lot waving and welcoming you to your church. You will notice that your church does not have designated parking for anyone, including the Pastor, except for handicapped designated parks. Upon walking to the entrance, you will not be allowed to open the door for yourself, but someone will welcome you with a smile and open it for you. Once you enter the building, you will instantly notice the fresh smell and cleanliness of the church.


In May 2007, GOD appeared to Minister Greg Taylor and told him to start Exodus-Church of Deliverance.  HE gave the vision to Minister Taylor, just as HE had given the vision of deliverance for the people of Israel to Moses.  Upon receiving the vision from GOD, Minister Taylor, just like Moses, looked for excuses not to lead the people; however, GOD assured him that HE would be with him.  GOD told him to get the people prepared to make the transition to Midway, Florida.  Midway is a fast growing, rural area that is easily accessible to Tallahassee, Quincy, Havana and the surrounding areas.  Unlike with Moses, GOD told Minister Taylor that he would be the Moses and Joshua of the people and he would lead them into the Promised Land in Midway.  

The beginning of the Exodus-Church of Deliverance Ministry was launched with a seven-day Exodus Deliverance Tent Crusade.  The crusade was held July 1st through July 7th 2007 on Martin Luther King Blvd. in Quincy, Fl. This property was very special, because it was next to The Gadsden County Nursing Home in which Pastor Taylor’s Grandmother had passed.

For six nights, the Word was delivered by six local Pastors:
1.    Sunday July 1st 2007 – Pastor Larryissac F. Scott I, Minister Taylor’s Spiritual Father!
2.    Monday July 2nd 2007 – Pastor Gerald Thomas
3.    Tuesday July 3rd 2007 – Pastor Velencia Brinson
4.    Wednesday July 4th 2007 – Pastor Ronald Vickers
5.    Thursday July 5th 2007 – Pastor William Wiggins
6.    Friday July 6th 2007 – Pastor Julius Robinson


While thought to be unconventional, Minister Taylor preached his own installation sermon on Saturday July 7th.  He preached a sermon from the depths of his soul entitled “Just Because God Said It, That’s Enough for Me”.  In the Bible GOD told Abram to leave his country and go to a land of promise that HE had given him. Abram stepped out on faith and GOD gave him the Promised Land. Just as GOD had done with Abram, GOD told Minister Taylor to leave his home church, First Elizabeth Missionary Baptist Church and to start Exodus-Church of Deliverance. Although Minister Taylor thought it was a little strange and others questioned him, GOD had said it and that was enough for him.     


Minister Taylor was installed as the Pastor of Exodus-Church of Deliverance.  Along with Pastor Taylor, two other Christians became charter members of Exodus-Church of Deliverance. These members were Minister Taylor’s wife Michelle Taylor and their daughter Q’Vaunda Curry.


There were three dedicated musicians that started with Pastor Taylor.
1.    Reverend Peter Lawson – Keyboards
2.    Brother Richard Hardwick – Bass Guitar and Saxophonist
3.    Nephew Khelton Betsey - Drummer


Pastor Taylor proclaimed a ministry that would break the traditional molds for church and thus, this was the beginning of the “Exodus Experience.”
On July 8th 2007 services continued at the Hampton Inn Conference Center, located at 165 Spooner Road, on the corner of state Road 267 and Interstate 10 in Quincy, Florida.  Pastor Antonio Pringley, Pastor Taylor’s best friend, of The Fruit of the Spirit Ministry, located in Tampa, delivered the message.  Hampton Inn was known as the “Red Sea”, a reference to the Red Sea which the children of Israel crossed to escape the pursuit of the Egyptians. 

Following the vision that GOD placed in Pastor Taylor’s heart, Pastor Taylor implemented key points of the ministry in seven-week stages.  On each Sunday it was very essential that services start at 8:30a.m. sharp.  On August 26, 2007, the seventh Sunday, Reverend Peter Lawson preached.  On this Sunday Reverend Peter Lawson left the Ministry to pursue his vision of pastoring in Texas.  Brother Roderick Palmer begin playing keyboards for Exodus on that day.

On the eighth Sunday, Sunday school was added.  During Sunday school, lessons of Deliverance provided opportunities for members to interact and expound on how GOD’S Word works in their daily lives.

The next seven weeks included the addition of the Deliverance Choir and the Exodus church services went to new heights.  Praising the Lord through song is a special passion of Pastor Taylor and that passion flows to every member.

1.    On August 26, 2007, Exodus conducted its first communion
2.    On September 30, 2007, Exodus installed its first Deacon, Wilson Frasier Jr.
3.    On September 30, 2007, Exodus performed its first Baptism, Evan Bridges Sr.


In three months, membership had grown from three to twenty-five plus and GOD had added to the ministry a keyboard, a sound system, video equipment, a church van, a website and a fourth musician, Ira Bunion Jr.


Elder Daryl Horne preached on the 14th Sunday (October 7th 2007).


In another move that seemed highly unusual, GOD prompted Pastor Taylor to ask Pastor Ronald Vickers of The Commanded to Love Ministry to be the overseer of Exodus-Church of Deliverance.  Pastor Vickers accepted the call from GOD and thus became the Spiritual leader and advisor to Exodus-Church of Deliverance.  We proudly recognize him as our Big Papa.


GOD told Pastor Taylor that it was time to leave the Hampton Inn, better known as “The Red Sea” and on October 14, 2007, Exodus-Church of Deliverance conducted its last worship service there.

After crossing the “Red Sea” with GOD’S congregation, (Leaving the Hampton Inn), Pastor Taylor moved the ministry to the Washington Lodge, located at 904 East Jefferson Street off Highway 90 in Quincy, Florida.  This stop is known as “The Jordan River,” a reference to the Jordan River which the children of Israel crossed to enter the Promised Land.

On Saturday, October 20th, 2007 the Exodus family had a yard give-a-way at the Washington Lodge.  There were plenty of household items, clothes, food and fun provided for the many people of Gadsden County and the surrounding areas.

On Sunday, October 21st, 2007 the Exodus family had its first service at “The Jordan River,” (The Washington Lodge), and services were very anointed and filled with the Holy Ghost.  Pastor Taylor preached a sermon entitled, “You Better Stop Doing What You’re Doing.”

On July 9th, 2010, GOD allowed Exodus-Church of Deliverance to purchase land for the future home of Exodus-Church of Deliverance from Mrs. Terry Butler.  The land is located at 6 Martin Luther King Blvd., Midway, Florida.

On November 11th, 2010, GOD allowed Exodus-Church of Deliverance to purchase a bus from Deacon Richard Lockwood.

Being guided by the Holy Spirit, Pastor Taylor was prompted to change the ministry’s name from Exodus-Church of Deliverance to The Excellence Church in 2013.  

On December 7, 2014, Lady Michelle Taylor, known as Lady T., preached her initial sermon entitle “Who do they say you are.” The sermon was preached at First Elizabeth Missionary Baptist Church, the home church of Pastor and Lady T.

In the summer of 2016, GOD told Pastor Taylor that it was time to start building at the site that HE had given him in Midway, Florida. This didn’t quite make much sense, because the church did not have the members, the credit, or the money to build. GOD told Pastor Taylor to step out on faith and to trust HIM. HE told Pastor Taylor to tell the members that the time was at hand and that HE would show them how to do it. GOD instructed Pastor Taylor to ask countless of people for financial assistance and the money came in and the building went up. GOD told Pastor Taylor to tell the builders that the first service needed to take place in April of 2017, however the builders informed Pastor Taylor that was not feasible. They said the date would have to be changed, because there was no way, that they would finish that fast. They told Pastor Taylor that the rain would be a major factor and we would have to plan for uncertainties. Pastor Taylor was adamant and told the builders, “We can do all things through Christ which strengthens us.”  GOD showed HIMSELF trustworthy, because the next five months were the driest winter months on record.


The rain did not stop one day of work throughout the entirety of the building process. In just five months, on April 16, 2017 (Easter Sunday) The Excellence Church had its first service in its brand new 7,000 square foot edifice. This stop is known as The Promised Land! 


On July 8, 2018, GOD promoted Minister Michelle Taylor to the position of Co-Pastor of The Excellence Church, therefore sharing Pastoral duties with her husband, Pastor Taylor and becoming the first Co-Pastor of The Excellence Church. On that same day, Helen Williams, Co-Pastor Taylor’s mother became the first Mother of The Excellence Church. 


In 2020 GOD allowed the church to purchase a house which was already located on the church property.


Just because GOD said it, Pastor Taylor did it and as history has shown, God just keeps on blessing The Excellence Church. 
The story of this Ministry is still progressing! In September of 2022, God spoke to Pastor Taylor and told him to change the name Excellence to EVERYBODY!


Yes! Everybody!  The name of the church was changed in November to Everybody’s Church! Everybody’s Church is just what it says a church for Everybody! The motto of Everybody’s Church is “Everybody is welcome and Nobody is judged!”

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